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Top Recipe

1 Kilo Chicken wings 1 Bottle (150ml) Uncle Jonny's Hot Sauce 1 Onion thinly sliced 4 Garlic cloves thinly sliced 50g Butter in small cubes 2 tsp Soft brown sugar 1tsp Sea salt 1 tsp Black pepper 1 tsp Worcester Sauce 1 Handful chopped fresh Parsley (and a bit extra for making that shit look pretty afterwards) 1 pinch chili flakes for deco 1. Preheat oven to 180⁰C. 2. Separate wings, and remove the wing tip if still on (Save for making fond). Place all ingredients together on shallow baking sheet, and mix thoroughly with your hands. Make sure it's all encorporated, and all wings are covered in Sauce. 3. Place in Hot oven, and cook for 1-1.5 hours, flipping every 15 min or until Sauce is thickened to a glaze consistency, and wings are browned. (*PRO TIP*- For the last 5 min turn the oven on full heat, and turn on the fan to get nice burnt, crisp edges.) 4. Serve Hot with Blue cheese dressing, yogurt dip, or whatever the heck you like. Enjoy!!

Super Delicious

Chicken Wings
